Turnpike House
Perfect for a small craft farm! There is some bottom land on the property that was once used as a large vegetable garden and that is tillable. There is also a small area with marshy conditions because there is at least one spring on the property. Otherwise, gently hilly woodland. Mixed soil conditions, some quite slaty and dry (cedars love it and also prickly pears).
The house on the property is currently being renovated and dates back to the 1880s. New kitchen and bathroom added in the 1980s. Well water and septic tank. House located very close to the highway, so probably not a good home for dogs or cats but would be happy to make arrangements to build a tall, sturdy fence along the road.
The outbuildings have fallen down (except for one small shed, "the smoke house") and would be happy to make an arrangement to rebuild them.
The local country store used to be on the property too, adjacent to the highway (just out of view in the photo shared here, on the left-hand side) and I would love to see it rebuilt at some point.
Proposed Tenure Agreement:
Long-term lease potentially in exchange for sweat equity